UPRA Rodeo Entries

Here is how to enter the 2024 UPRA Rodeo as a rodeo contestant!

JULY 19 & 20, 2024
Added Money: $10,000.00
Gaines County Riding Club Rodeo
Performances: 8:00pm
Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $100 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Ladies Barrels @ $150 / Team Roping $250 team. No Steer Wrestling
Added Money: Bareback $500 / Ranch Bronc $1,300 / Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $2,500 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Team Roping @ $800
Slack: Friday after performance
Slack Order: GB,TD,BA,TR
Barrels: Drag on 5 actual runners
Performances must fill before slack taken

Non-members welcome w/$10 permit. Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership

Sanction: UPRA
S/C: TnT Rodeo Co

Nextgen Rodeo App
Wednesday, July 10 @ 9am and close Sunday, July 14 @ 5pm

Wednesday, July 10 from 9am to 4pm
Thursday, July 11 from 9am to 4pm
Friday, July 12 from 9am to 12noon
ENTRY #: 903-287-7852

Available, Monday, July 15 @ 9am till 12noon
Tuesday, July 16
Ground Rule: Walkup Rule in effect
See urodeo.com for full info